Skyfall - 2012Movie: Skyfall - 2012 Director: Sam Mendes Synopsis: In the opening sequences, Bond (Daniel Craig) is shot by his own colleague while fighting with a hitman on top of a train, and falls into the river below - seemingly dead. M (Judi Dench) writes his obituary. The missing harddrive that prompted the train scene is hacked, and MI6 is under attach - cyber and actual. Thankfully Bond returns to face a new threat, the mysterious Raoul Silva (Javier Bardem) - a former MI6 agent. Scene: Bond and M are on the run - in the Aston Martin made famous in the early Bond movies. They escape to Scotland, to Bond's ancestral home - Skyfall_ and find that estate gamekeeper Kincade (Albert Finney) is still there - but not much else to help them against the coming assault. Monogram: The estate's rifle collection, has been sold off after notice of Bond's death. There is one remaining shotgun, with engraved monogram AB, which belonged to Andrew Bond - James' father. Contributed by: EmbroideryArts | |||||||||||
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