Pee Wee's Big Adventure - 1985Movie: Pee Wee's Big Adventure - 1985 Director: Tim Burton Synopsis: When his beloved bicycle is stolen outside Chuck's Bike-O-Rama, Pee Wee Herman (Paul Reubens), an overgrown pre-pubescent boy who lives an idyllic life, is devastated. Acting on a tip, he embarks on a cross-country journey, following a lead that the bike is being held in the Alamo's basement. This quirky comedy adventure story is Tim Burton's directing deb Scene: Pee Wee suspects that Francis (Mark Holton), a filthy-rich acquantance, is the thief. Earlier on the morning that the bike was stolen Francis had offered to buy it, saying that his father had promised him anything he wanted for his birthday. Monogram: Francis wears a powder blue jumpsuit monogrammed with oversized old english initials - FB. His last name is Buxton. His father wears identical jumpsuits with his own initials - JB Contributed by: | |||||||||||
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