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Over The Hedge - 2006

Movie: Over The Hedge - 2006

Director: Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick

Synopsis: In this animated feature film, a group of timid forest animals, led by Vern, a timid tortoise (voiced by Garry Shandling) is afraid of humans - and running out of food. The arrival of RJ, a travelling con-artist racoon (voiced by Bruce Willis) provides a solution: buck up their courage, cross the hedge that separates the woods from suburbia, and steal food from the humans. They don't know there is a subplot - RJ must return food he stole from Vincent, a very large bear (voiced by Nick Nolte) or become food himself.

Scene: Their bold plan involves Stella the skunk (voiced by Wanda Sykes) disguised as a cat, who must distract the real cat guarding the house and get his electronic collar, allowing the gang to enter through the cat door and haul away the contents o the refridgerator in the middle of the night.

Monogram: Barely awake, the homeowner Gradys (voiced by Allison Janney) comes into the kitchen midway through the heist to get a cup of morning coffee, wearing red satin pajamas monogrammed with a gold G.

Contributed by: Joanne Roth

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