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Nancy Drew - 2007

Movie: Nancy Drew - 2007

Director: Andrew Fleming

Synopsis: Teen detective Nancy Drew ((Emma Roberts) accompanies her father Carson (Tate Donovan) on a business trip for several months to Los Angeles. They rent a house that was the home of a murdered movie star - Dehlia Draycott. Nancy promises that she will concentrate on fitting in to her new high school but finds the mystery too compelling.

Scene: Top: Nancy, dressed to leave for Los Angeles. Bottom: One of the wealthy high school girls that Nancy has to try to fit in with.

Monogram: Top: Nancy wears a custom monogrammed brooch with her initials (ND) inside a magnifying glass. Bottom: wealthy Inga (Daniella Monet) has her own monogram on a cap - initial I inside an elaborate crest border.

Contributed by: Joanne Roth, Embroideryarts

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