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View Each Letter of the Alphabet in All Available Styles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Little Nicky - 2000

Movie: Little Nicky - 2000

Director: Steven Brill

Synopsis: Satan (Harvey Keitel), who inherited the job from HIS father Lucifer (Rodney Dangerfield), is in his 10,000th year as "Prince of Darkness", and wants to retire. He has three sons - Cassius and Adrian, the older two, are both more powerful than the youngest - Nicky (Adam Sandler) - a sweet teenager who likes heavy metal but "isn't into" evil. When Satan announces that he has decided that none of them are quite right for the job, the older siblings conspire to leave Hell and take over Earth to mess up the balance of good and evil. Their departure freezes the fire through which souls enter Hell, and Satan begins to lose his power.

Scene: Satan convinces Little Nicky that, as the only one left, he must go to Earth and return to Hell with his brothers.

Monogram: Satan's deep blue crushed velvet jumpsuit sports a red embroidered letter D.

Contributed by: Lynn Ferebee

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