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Key Largo - 1948

Movie: Key Largo - 1948

Director: John Huston

Synopsis: Army veteran Frank McCloud (Humphrey Bogart) pays a courtesy call to war widow Nora Temple (Lauren Bacall) at the run-down Florida hotel that Nora's father owns in Key Largo, Florida. As a hurricane approaches, so are business associates of exiled gangster Johnny Rocco (Edward G. Robinson) who is hiding out there with several sidemen to "enjoy the fishing." They are bringing a supply of counterfeit money. Will war-weary Frank step up and fight again?

Scene: After the hurricane passes over, damaging but not destroying the hotel, Sheriff Ben Wade (Monte Blue) arrives looking for two fugitive American Indians, the Osceola Brothers. The guests are questioned. They all identify their home address as the Hotel Central, Milwaukee.

Monogram: One of Johnny's sidemen is Edward Bass (of the Hotel Central, Milwaukee). His black dress shirt as a monogram - EB - in white.

Contributed by: EmbroideryArts

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