Girl With A Pearl Earring - 2003Movie: Girl With A Pearl Earring - 2003 Director: Peter Webber Synopsis: This fictionalized adaptation of the novel of the same name tells the tale surrounding the creation of the painting "Girl With A Pearl Earring" by 17th century Dutch master Johannes Vermeer (Colin Firth). Little is known about the girl, believed to have been a servant in the Vermeer household. Griet (Scarlett Johansson) becomes the painter's muse. Scene: Vermeer's sole patron Pieter Van Ruijven (Tom Wilkinson) commissions him to paint her portrait with the intent of claiming her for himself. Monogram: Van Ruijven arrives for luncheon at the Vermeer residence in a gondola bearing banners with his initials VR. Contributed by: EmbroideryArts | |||||||||||
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