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View Each Letter of the Alphabet in All Available Styles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Giant - 1956

Movie: Giant - 1956

Director: George Stevens

Synopsis: Bick Benedict (Rock Hudson) travels from his mega-ranch in Texas to Maryland to buy a horse. While there, he is smitten by the horse owner's daughter Leslie (Elizabeth Taylor), and returns in his private train car with the horse - and the daughter. So begins a Technicolor epic that encompasses several generations of Benedicts, oil exploration, and social change. An important participant along the way is Jett Rink (James Dean) - a farm hand who hangs around, inherits a small bit of land, and through an oil strike becomes "too rich to kill".

Scene: Reata (the ranch) - and the Benedict "brand" are seen throughout this film. Jett Rink eventually gets his own monogram also.

Monogram: The initial R, based on a curled rope, appears in many forms: on a suitcase, a train car, the gate to the ranch, a leaded-glass stairway window, a cow, a silver belt embellishment, the tail of an airplane, and a crib for the grandchildren. Jett Rink prefers something more modern: JR in raised metal lettering.

Contributed by: Cathy Sundermann

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