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Cat People - 1942

Movie: Cat People - 1942

Director: Jacques Tourneur

Synopsis: New Serbiam immigrant to New York Irena Dubrovna (Simone Simon) a fashion sketch artist, falls in love with marine engineer Oliver Reed (Kent Smith). She believes the ancient mythology about her birth village, where people were driven to witchcraft to survive. She also lives near a zoo and takes comfort from the sounds coming from the big cats. It seems that she also believes the villager's tale about women who change into great cats like panthers in passion, anger or jealousy. The myth may be tested when she suspects that her husband's friendship with co-worker Alice Moore (Jane Randolph) may be more than just friendship.

Scene: Alice is delighted to find that someone has delivered a kitten in a box to the office as a surprise.

Monogram: AM on the lower left pocket of her work smock.

Contributed by: Cathy Sundermann

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