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Big - 1988

Movie: Big - 1988

Director: Penny Marshall

Synopsis: Josh Baskin (Tom Hanks) is a normal 12 year old boy before he encountering a fortune-telling called Zoltar Speaks at an amusement park. He makes a wish to be "big" - and finds himself an adult the next morning. While his best friend Billy (Jared Rushton) tries to find out where Zoltar has been moved to, Josh must try to make the best of things. After encountering a toy executive (Robert Loggia) at FAO Schwarz, his childlike enthusiasm gets him a job, and a salary, and eventually a girlfriend.

Scene: On their first "date" Josh takes fellow executive Susan Lawrence (Elizabeth Perkins) to his favorite amusement park. After riding the roller coaster and sharing a snack. Susan suggests that they go to the music tent and dance.

Monogram: The music stands of the band. We came up short on identifying them, but we like their KF logo.

Contributed by: Joanne Roth

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