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View Each Letter of the Alphabet in All Available Styles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Beauty and the Beast - 2017

Movie: Beauty and the Beast - 2017

Director: Bill Condon

Synopsis: The live action/animation musical version of the stage play/musical version of the often told story of a man (Dan Stevens), cursed to be a hideous beast, who is redeemed by the love of a young woman (Emma Watson) who can see past his appearance. Set in Rococo-era France.

Scene: Top: The Beast and the Beauty share a solitary dance in the castle's ballroom. Bottom: The cruel selfish Prince - before he is cursed.

Monogram: Top: The couple, in formal dress, dance across an inlaid marble floor - with a decoration that certainly looks like a monogram. But what letter or letters. The story line doesn't provide any help with a character's last initial. And is it an M or a W, which often look similar when flipped over? Bottom: The Prince, sitting in a chair, just before the beginning of the ball where he is cursed. His head blocks the full monogram, but enough of it can be seen to suggest a W (and ironically look like horns). Maybe the W is for "Walt", and there is an intertwined D for "Disney"?

Contributed by: Angela Weber

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