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Barton Fink - 1991

Movie: Barton Fink - 1991

Director: Joel Coen

Synopsis: Set in 1941, Barton Fink (John Turturro), a newly successful New York intelectual playwright accepts an offer to write movie scripts in LA. When required to do a B-movie wrestling script, he develops writers block. Housed at the dark Hotel Earle, he seeks help from his next door neighbor Charlie Meadows (John Goodman), famed writer W. P Mayhew (John Mahoney), and Mayhew's girlfriend Audrey (Judy Davis).

Scene: After a sleepless night and a bizarre sequence of events, Barton meets his employer, Capital Pictures President Jack Lipnick (Michael Lerner) for breakfast by the Hollywood mogul's pool to discuss his progress.

Monogram: Jack Lerner, wearing a terrycloth robe monogrammed with his initials JL inside a decorative border.

Contributed by: EmbroideryArts

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