Back To The Future III - 1990Movie: Back To The Future III - 1990 Director: Robert Zemeckis Synopsis: The conclusion of the trilogy sends Mart McFly (Michael J. Fox) on a rescue mission to 1885 to find his old friend an mentor Dr. Emmett L. Brown (Christopher Lloyd) before he is killed by one of Biff's ancestors - Buford 'Mad Dog' Tannen (Thomas F. Wilson). A clever plan is conconted to use a locomotive to push the Delorean - which is out of fuel - fast enough to jump ahead in time. Scene: The Delorean returns to 1985, on a train track, but without fuel is demolished by a fast-moving freight train. Marty escapes just before the accident, but is now unable to travel back to look for Doc Brown. He takes his girlfriend Jennifer (Elisabeth Shue) to see the wreckage when a second unexpected train pulls in. Monogram: Doc Brown - and family - arrive from the past in a cistom train, which looks like a steam engine at first glance. On the cuffs of his long leather gloves are his intertwined script monogram - ELB. Contributed by: Lynn Ferebee | |||||||||||
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