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All About Eve - 1950

Movie: All About Eve - 1950

Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz

Synopsis: Margo Channing (Bette Davis) is a highly regarded but aging Broadway star. Eve Harrington Anne Baxter) is a young fan, brought backstage by Margo's friend Karen Richards (Celeste Holm). Margo befriends her, and hires her as her assistant. Eve quickly manipulates herself into Margo/s life. Offered a stand-in role at a matinee, Eve is triumphant and moves quickly up the status ladder. Months later, and off to Hollywood, Eve takes pity on teen aged fan Phoebe (Barbara Bates) - and the cycle begins again.

Scene: Margo, awake in the morning, is served breakfast in bed by her maid Birdie Coonan (Thelma Ritter)

Monogram: Margo's pajamas have a theatrical initial M embroidered on the left sleeve cuff.

Contributed by: Cathy Sundermann

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